Unit Sizes
(units can be combined)
Ground Floor: 4,682 sq ft
First Floor: –
Total: 4,682 sq ft
Ground Floor: 3,950 sq ft
First Floor: –
Total: 3,950 sq ft
Ground Floor: 3,627 sq ft
First Floor: –
Total: 3,627 sq ft
Ground Floor: 4,929 sq ft
First Floor: –
Total: 4,929 sq ft
Ground Floor: 4,262 sq ft
First Floor: –
Total: 4,262 sq ft
Ground Floor: 4,262 sq ft
First Floor: –
Total: 4,262 sq ft
Ground Floor: 4,004 sq ft
First Floor: 1,323 sq ft
Total: 5,327sq ft
Ground Floor: 3,412 sq ft
First Floor: 1,130 sq ft
Total: 4,542 sq ft
Ground Floor: 3,487 sq ft
First Floor: 1,151 sq ft
Total: 4,638 sq ft
Ground Floor: 5,220 sq ft
First Floor: 1,410 sq ft
Total: 6,630 sq ft
Ground Floor: 5,231 sq ft
First Floor: 1,420 sq ft
Total: 6,651 sq ft
Ground Floor: 6,824 sq ft
First Floor: 1,689 sq ft
Total: 8,513 sq ft
Ground Floor: 6,038 sq ft
First Floor: 1,496 sq ft
Total: 7,534 sq ft
Ground Floor: 5,737 sq ft
First Floor: 1,432 sq ft
Total: 7,169 sq ft
Ground Floor: 6,113 sq ft
First Floor: 1,808 sq ft
Total: 7,921 sq ft
Ground Floor: 6,264 sq ft
First Floor: 1,679 sq ft
Total: 7,943 sq ft
Ground Floor: 6,705 sq ft
First Floor: 1,808 sq ft
Total: 8,513 sq ft
Ground Floor: 13,906 sq ft
First Floor: 1,937 sq ft
Total: 15,8433 sq ft
Ground Floor: 23,088 sq ft
First Floor: 3,476 sq ft
Total: 26,564 sq ft
Colwick Gateway is on the well-established Colwick Industrial Estate offering flexible trade, industrial and warehouse units to meet the demands of companies, employees and customers, available on a leasehold basis. The units are finished to a shell specification for occupiers to undertake their own fit out to suit their specific occupational needs.
The development consists of 19 units – 6 trade counter and 13 industrial/warehouse all differing in size to meet the needs of a wide range of businesses and operations. Starting at 3,627 sq ft and rising up to 26,564.
For more information about the size and specification of the units available, see below.
E(g) (formerly B1c), B2 and B8 (industrial and warehouse) uses.